Sample Tours and Itineraries
Herewith an idea of what trips we offer and what they entail.
Of course any of these can be tailored or combined to suit your preferences, or we can custom design a tour from scratch, based on your wishes.
Click on any of the tour maps for a detailed route map and description.
Duration (days)
Direct distance (NM)
Approx. C182 hours *
Difficulty level (out of 5)
Experience required **
Best time of year ***
Accommodation rating
Suitability for partner ****
Price *****
Route details
* The flying time often exceeds the time expected considering the direct NM. This is because the direct distance does not take scenic detours or touch ‘n go’s into account.
** Guided – means a trip with “Safety Pilot” / SG – means “self guided”
*** Most tours are possible throughout the year, but obviously there’s a best time based on flying weather. Limited – Tours heading to the Cape are somewhat more risky during our winter months due to unpredictable weather. Cold fronts tend to bring wet and chilly weather into the Cape region that can last for weeks.
**** pilot – this trip is all about the flying, with little ground activity, hence a non-flying partner would not enjoy the experience as much. Best suited for two pilots sharing the flying experience.
non-pilot – a good mix between flying and ground activities, also great for non-pilot partners.
***** Please contact us for a list of price guidelines.
At the moment sample tours are only available on the desktop /laptop version of our website
We apologise for the inconvenience and will have this updated soon